Fussball News from SV Lohhof
This is an excerpt from our local newspaper regarding Sam's C1 jungend football team. It was a great story for the club and a good lesson about not giving up. When Sam joined SV Lohoff in December, the team had only won one game and were in last place with just three points. Sam's team was in the top league in the Munich area and if they finished in the bottom three places they would move down (relegation) to the next league. It is important for clubs to have teams in the top league, it touches the pride in the village. With 7 games left in the season, the team turned itself around with 4 wins and finished with enought points to avoid relegation. Their last game, the topic of the german article, was a do or die game against the 4th place team. The boys played the game hard and left little doubt that they deserved to remain in the top division. Sam had two assists!

SV Lohhof C1 Jugend

Sensation in Lohhof. 7 Spieltage vor Saisonende lag die C1 in der Kreisliga mit nur 1 Sieg bei 12 Niederlagen weit abgeschlagen auf dem letzten Tabellenplatz. Nach einer fulminanten Aufholjagd hatten die 12-Jährigen im letzten Saisonspiel plötzlich ein Endspiel um den Klassenerhalt. Nur ein Sieg konnte noch retten. Es gab also nur eine Devise: Völlige Offensive. Dementsprechend wurde die Gastmannschaft aus Germering von der 1. Minute an in die eigene Hälfte gedrängt. Die ersten klaren Möglichkeiten wurden zum Leidwesen der sehr vielen Zuschauer alle noch vergeben. Dann der mehr als verdiente Führungstreffer in der 14. Minute. Leider fiel wenige Minuten später mit dem ersten Angriff der Gäste ein unglücklicher Ausgleichstreffer. Lohhof war nur kurz geschockt, dann rollten die Angriffe wieder erbarmungslos. Kurz vor dem Pausenpfiff dann noch 2 Tore zum völlig verdienten 3:1. In der 2. Halbzeit kam Germering stärker auf, ohne viele Tormöglichkeiten zu besitzen. Lohhof beschränkte sich auf die Defensive. Das 3:1 war auch der Endstand. Riesenjubel bei Lohhof, denn somit spielt die C1 auch nächste Saison wieder in der Kreisliga. Gratulation an das Team und die Trainer Thomas Buthge und Peter Teichmann.
My first triathlon - by Joe Haines
On Sunday, I did my first triathlon. It was really fun and hard. It was a real challenge for me. When the gun shot I was the first person in the water but the 2nd person out of the water. The water was really shallow so it was hard to swim.

Swim 100m

When I got out of the water I had to dry off my feet really quickly and then put my shoes and socks on. Everyone else’s parents were helping them put on their shoes but I had to do it all by myself. I was in the lead in the bike part of the race, then I hit all these potholes and it slowed me down into 2nd place. Later on in the biking I made a wrong turn and got lost but I found my way again. I rode my bike 10 kilometers to my school.

Swim 100m

Then it was time for the running, 5 kilometers, and on the first turn I went the wrong way. There were two ways to go and I went the wrong way, so the timer person told me to go back and go the other way.

Swim 100m

I went on my way again and then my legs started to feel weird so I stopped to walk a little bit. They started to feel like jelly. It was really strange. I finished the race in 2nd place and Pascal got 1st. He is much bigger and he knew the course really well. My mom and dad were at the finish line waiting for me. When it was over I cheered the other people on. It was fun, and I’m glad I did it!
Biking with a dog! Or Gracie just cost me 50 euros!!!!
On Saturday, Robin and I got up and we went on a bike ride. I thought I’d show him my typical route during the week. We took Gracie with us because she loves to ride in the basket and then get out at the lake to run around a bit. We were on the end of our ride driving on a path through a typical field here, when suddenly Gracie, chained in to the basket for this exact reason, decided to jump out of the basket thinking she was going to catch a crow. . .Robin shouted, I pressed my breaks hard, flipping Gracie still attached to her carrier out of my bike basket. Fortunately, Gracie was ok, but when I got back on my bike, the back tire didn’t feel right and as we looked at it we could see that somehow it had been damaged in the Gracie incident. . .we finished the ride and dropped the bike off at the shop near our house. Today, 50 euros and a big bruise on my leg from jumping off my bike later, I have my bike back and Gracie won’t be riding for a while!
A day in the life of a Texas Wife and Mom in Germany. . .a new lesson learned!
A day in the life of a Texas Wife and Mom in Germany. . .a new lesson learned!
For at least 3 weeks now I have not had access to the car. . .either because I didn’t think I needed it or because Robin had to have it to get some where other than work (today he says he is going to play soccer after he gets off from work with some colleagues!) Typically, after the boys leave for school, I finish my cappuccino and then pack my backpack to head to the gym in the next town. I get on my bike and take the scenic route to the gym which is apprx. 12 kilometers (about 7 ½ miles). Once I get to the gym I work out for another hour then get back on my bike to head home heading in the opposite direction so that I end up making a loop. However, several days a week I have to stop by the market for groceries. Today I made an important discovery on my trip on my bike to the market . . .don’t buy more than you can carry in your bike basket and backpack!!!! I ended up with about 20 pounds of groceries in my backpack and another 30 or more in my bike basket. The problem was that my basket was overfilled and several times items fell out, including a carton of eggs! So, I had my backpack on my back, the basket on my bike was overflowing, and I had to carry the Charmin toilet paper by hand all while trying to maintain balance while driving my bike! Minus a few mishaps with some non observant teenagers on the bike path where I almost lost control, I made it home. . .only to repeat the scenario later in the week minus several pounds of groceries. . .LESSON LEARNED!