Thursday, November 17, 2005

RRRIIIPPPPPP ! What was that in my knee??????

I can't even begin to describe the experience I had when the doctor removed the drainage needle from my knee. There are no words to describe the sensation! And I also don't believe this is related to any way to being in a different country and culture!

As I was sitting on the exam table, the nurse was beginning to remove the bandages from my knee. Robin was in the room, but not too close. He had promised me he would hold my hand when the doctor came in to remove the drainage needle. Shortly after the nurse started removing the bandages, the doctor walked in rather quickly, didn't say a word to me, and immediately moved towards my leg. I knew something was up!!! "OK, what's happening? What's going on?" I panicked, then rrriiiippppppppp, I felt like a thin knitting needle was being removed from my leg (and Robin says I was right about the description as he later went to look at it in the trashbin!) I wish I had recorded the sound that came out of my mouth, because I don't think I have ever made that sound before, and I pray that I never will again. The doctor gave me no warning. He didn't speak to me, or shake my hand first, which he had always done previously. I couldn't, as my mom had suggested, prepare for child birth breathing techniques before he removed it. Just rrriiiiippppp! Oh my God! Because Robin was no where near the hand he had promised to hold, I ended up sitting bolt upright and grabbed the skinny little nurse's arm. And I know that I grabbed it quite firmly! It took me a while to even catch my breath, as my eyes welled up with tears. In the end, I guess they have to do it that way - really fast and when you least expect it, otherwise no one would ever sit still for it! Of course, after the doctor ripped the device from my knee, he left the room again! He came back not long after, and at that time he attempted to shake my hand, but I just balled up my fist at him, while he and the nurse laughed. I eventually regained some semblance of composure, and everyone was laughing, though I was laughing the least.

Since I don't understand much of what they are saying in the doctor's office when they are speaking German, I have decided that they must rate everyone's scream when these needles are removed, and they all must have a good laugh about it every time. Otherwise, I'm not sure if they could even continue to do it every day! Thank God the worst is over. Let the healing begin!


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