texans on the autobahn
Friday, July 21, 2006

One last photo in Lohhof of Sam and his best buddy, Zach Isler, but it won't be the last photo ever, just maybe the last one in this particular house. Sam is already planning a graduation trip to see and travel with Zach!

Sam gave a speech to his team, all in German. The guys had been teasing him a lot that day, but when they heard he was going to give a small speech in German, they were all very quiet and listened very carefully. In German, Sam thanked his teammates and coaches, and told them he was a better player because he had played with them. His team cheered and clapped for him after his speech. His parents were so proud!

Coach Trivioli gave a speech in German to say good bye to Sam. He said that Sam always gave 100% at practice and games, unlike some of the other boys. He presented Sam with a ball signed by the team, and told Sam he was welcome to come back and play for SV Lohhof whenever he wanted.

After Sam's game, his team had a party for him with grilling. The guys on the team were a lot of fun and gave Sam a hard time about all the leg cramps he'd been having!

Our most favorite restaurant in town is Caruso's and here we sit on our last night with Sebastiano and Evalina. We have great memories from here, and we are sad that we may never find a place like this in McKinney, Texas. Who am I kidding? I KNOW we'll never find a place like this!

We took the boys to the Fan Zone for the World Cup at Olympia Park. Kim and I pose for a photo in front of this carousel that is really a bar.

Joe and Jake with some hot European girls! The one on the left is Sarah, and she and Jake have a think for each other!

Here is Joe with his friends at the sports banquet. . .notice the difference between the photo of Sam below and this one. . .Joe seems to be surrounded mostly by girls! Ah, he is certainly a Haines boy!

The school held a sports banquet at the end of the year and here is Sam with his buddies from school. These are friends I think that he will remember forever. I hope that he works hard to stay in touch with them.

Joe and Jake pretend to be statues. I think this was the only time they were ever still the entire trip!

Our last set of friends from home to visit us was Jake and Kim Raymond from Dallas. Joe skipped a day of school to go visit Neuwschwanstein with us. This was my third trip here in less than 3 weeks. Before this trip, I brought some college girls from our church back home.

Our most special friends are Tom and Vera Glagow! I will miss them so much it hurts! God could not have chosen better people to put in our lives while we lived in Germany. They celebrated our time in Germany with another grilling party. . .I think we all definitely gained weight our last weeks in Germany!

Aki's dad, HP, used to have the same job in Freising that Robin has now. So it's a funny coincidence and Aki and Joe became such good friends. HP and his wife invited us over for grilling before we moved home. Because Aki's mom is Japanese, the dinner began with really good and fresh sushi and she made, followed be 2 courses of different meats on the grill and our favorite part, the choice of grappa's at the end. Here is HP with his grappa collection!

Joe with his good friend Aki. Joe spent three nights with Aki before we moved home. Aki's mom is Japanese and his dad is German. ..you get the best of both worlds!