Happy New Year! Sam was gone, and Joe was grounded so we made him take a photo of us. This was about 9:30 pm! We knew we'd never be able to stay awake until midnight. So we fired up the hot tub, popped open the champagne and spent a little time outside with Joe to bring in the new year. Unfortunately we were awakened at midnight with loud explosions coming from our backyard. I think our neighbors behind us must be German! They were shooting off fireworks that were so loud we thought we were back in Unterschleissheim, were fireworks are a tradition everywhere.

I can't believe it, this is the only photo of Robin's parents we got while they stayed with us a few nights at Christmas. Here Robin and his mom and dad are trying to figure out how the wine bottle opener works that Robin bought me.

OK, I have to admit, this is a funny photo with the name of the gift in the photo! But what this is. . .one of the things that Joe loved eating in Germany was the roasted sweet almonds that you could buy hot on the streets. So I found this "nut roaster" at Target! We'll let you know how it turns out. Joe had opened his stocking first before this gift and couldn't understand why he had 2 bags of almonds inside! Now he knows.

Joe sits in his new gaming chair and checks out just one of his new soccer balls!

Gracie got a stocking filled with doggie stuff and she couldn't wait to get into it!

Sam got lucky this year and Santa brought him a new computer. Too bad for Sam that his mom and dad gave him SAT and ACT software so he can prepare for his college entrance exams!

Here we are with my dad and his wife, Linda. we had a great time out in the country at their place before they headed back off to the warm climate of Florida.

Sam and his cousin Davis look on as Grandaddy checks out one of his gifts.

Robin and Joe hang out on the sofa at my dad's place.

Mom, my sister D'Anne and myself. We wish our sister Dinah had been able to be here.

We spent a day celebrating Christmas with family. It had been a while since we had done this. Here are Sam and joe with their Nana.

Sam's favorite all time team is Manchester United and a couple of his friends gave him the new scarf!

Sam's buddies on his soccer team thought it would be funny to give him all pink soccer gear! They decided that if anyone forgot their shin guards at practice they would be forced to wear the pink ones!

Sam spent some time thinking about his 15th birthday in Germany last year and he thought that one was more fun because he almost caught the restaurant on fire with the tissue paper from his gifts hitting the candle on the table! I thought this party was great I guess because I spent 5 hours in the kitchen making fondues!

Sam turned 16 in December so we had a fondue party with some of his school and soccer friends. I heard later that some of the kids ate so much they felt sick. . .many of them had never had fondue before. We had 4 different cheese fondues including one with a German flavor and then 2 dessert fondues! No excuses for being hungry this night!