A beautiful scene of the lake and a swan in Hyde Park.

The guard band marches through the crowd to enter the gates of the palace where the guards will change.

Apparently Kate had arranged a special Changing of the Guard event just for me! This was as close as we could get to the palace, but it was really cool!

Some of the beautiful flower gardens of the palace.

I had no idea what Kate had in store for me as we carried our luggage through Hyde Park towards Buckingham Palace. . .

Kate and I took a quick walk through Harrod's of London where we saw a creepy memorial to Diana and Dotie Fayed. . .really weird. We then enjoyed the view of Harrod's from our seat inside Starbucks.

Helen, Kate, Cynthia and Deidre.. . .Kate and I flew to London for a girls only weekend. Here we are finishing a 7 course tasting menu from world renowned chef Jamie Oliver at his charity restaurnant Fifteen in London!

We took a very long bike ride through Munich today trying to prepare Sam and Zach for their weeklong school bike trip to Vienna. On the way home we stopped at the new Allianz stadium built for World Cup 2006 and for the professional teams of Bayern Munich and TSV 1860. The stadium lights up either red or blue, depending on which team in playing in it on game night.

The baby boys, Paul and Jacob.

Our friends and neighbors, Dirik and Nicky. They have Johanna and twin baby boys!

Our neighbors Dirik and Johanna.

Some of the Islers and Haines at May Day. You can see in the backgound the crane lifting up the May Pole. Check out Sam's spandex gear!

While we were at the festivities, free wine was handed out, even to Sam and Zach before any of us realized what was happening, Sam and Zach were toasting each other with this terrible wine.

May 1st was a holiday in Germany and everyone celebrated by erecting the new May Poles. We all rode up to our town center for the festivities before heading off on a 27 mile bike ride around Munich.

When we arrived in Atlanta from Munich, we met Dinah and the first thing Joe wanted to eat was chicken nuggest and a frosty from Wendy's! Notice here that Joe still has his Geman hair style. He changed back to what I would call normal hair after 2 weeks in Dallas!

Listening to the halftime game plan. ..Joe's coach, Zeph, made sure he included Joe even in the halftime talks.

Joe's view this year. ..

Joe still looks good wearing Texans Red kit!

This year we took Joe home at spring break with the intention that he would join his Dallas team and play in the Dallas Cup. Unfortunately, the Dallas Cup people wouldn't let him play. His team however let him join them in all the festivities. Here they are preparing for walking on the field for the opening ceremonies.

Take a look at the goalie on the the opposing team! He was about as tall as Robin!

Joe takes a corner kick.

Joe playing for SV Lohhof - it's March and there is still snow on the ground.

What is wrong with this picture? That's Robin trying to play soccer! Take a look at that pitch! It's a mud pit! There's no messing around in Germany. . .games are on no matter what the condition of the field!